The Shabbos Project is an international program with a goal of encouraging participants to enhance their Shabbat experience and will be taking place on the weekend of November 11-12. Last year close to a thousand cities worldwide with mega challah bakes, communal shabbat meals and more. You can find all of the community wide programming and sign up for the various events in Atlanta here:
At Anshi, we are pushing off our monthly programming to the second week (instead of the first) to join in with the Shabbos Project. We will be having a communal Friday night dinner at Anshi, Parsha Yoga for children, Good Shabbos, Atlanta! for adults, a Shabbos day lunch (hosted by the Freedmans) and a musical Havdalah. Please click on any of the images below to find out more information about any of the regular programming. To RSVP for the Shabbos day lunch, please send an email to
The schedule for the entire weekend is as follows:
Friday, November 11
5:15 PM – Shabbat in the Highlands
Shabbos, November 12
8:45 AM – Koffee & Kibbutz
9:00 AM – Shacharit/Torah Reading/Mussaf
10:45 AM – Parsha Yoga/Good Shabbos, Atlanta!
11:45 AM – Kiddush
Shabbos lunch, hosted by the Freedman, will follow the kiddush
6:30 PM – Havdalah in the Highlands (at the Freedmans)
Join us for any or all of it!