Rabbi Nachi Friedman joined Congregation Anshi Sfard in 2021. Rabbi Friedman is a child & adolescent therapist working at Jewish Family & Career Services (JF&CS) and volunteers as the local coordinator for Chai- Lifeline.Rabbi Friedman holds a masters degree in clinical counseling and psychology with a specialization in play therapy. He enjoys combining his love of psychology and Torah to teach and learn Torah in a unique way. Rabbi Friedman and his wife Jennifer recently published a children’s book on the book of Joshua called Tales of the Navi.
Originally from Teaneck New Jersey, Rabbi Friedman studied at Yeshivat Kerem B’yavneh in Israel and Yeshiva University in New York. He received smicha ordination from both Rabbi Michael Broyde and Rabbi Ari Enkin. The Friedman family moved to Atlanta in 2015 and have been blessed with four wonderful children: Natan, Elisheva, Adira and Mimi.
Rabbi Nachi Friedman can be reached at: RabbiNachiFriedman@gmail.com