Purim 2020!

Purim 2020 is going to be a blast! Join us for any or all of the following events:

Lox ‘N Learning: Purim Edition – Sunday, February 23th, 10:00-11:00 AM

We will be discussing Purim themes over bagels, lox, and cream cheese. There is no charge to attend and no RSVP required.

Intown Pre-Purim Celebration – Thursday, February 27th from 5:15-6:45pm

…Pony Rides…Cotton Candy…Balloon Artist…Costumes…Face Painting…Purim Crafts …Hamantashen…Music…and new this year – Hair Braiding!

Ha-MMMM-entash Bake – Thursday, March 5th from 7-9pm

Join Baking a Difference for an evening of hamentash baking, tasting, and mingling


A Simpsons Megillah Reading – Monday, March 9th at 8:15 PM

We will also be having a Simpsons-themed slide show of the Purim story at the same time as Rabbi Horvitz reads the megillah for us using different voices for the different characters.

Megillah reading will be followed by festive music and Purim refreshments.

Purim Party at the Freedmans – Tuesday March 10th from 4:30-6:30pm

Join us for a BBQ Purim meal at the Freedman home, 1113 University Dr NE from 4:30-6:30pm. Come for the whole time or at least pop in for a burger, a lechaim, and some Purim spirit!

There will be Megillah reading before dinner at 3:45 PM.

Click here or on the image to RSVP.